推薦:ASP長數字用逗號隔開顯示實例代碼% Function Comma(str) If Not(IsNumeric(str)) Or str = 0 Then Result = 0 ElseIf Len(Fix(str)) 4 Then Result = str Else Pos = Instr(1,str,.) If Pos 0 Then Dec = Mid(str,Pos) End if Res = StrReverse(Fix(str)) LoopCount = 1 While LoopCount =
- <%
- '作者:無情 出處:
- db_conn(dbs)
- Voteusername=trim(request.QueryString("username"))
- rs_create("select username from [user] where username ='"&Voteusername&"'")
- if rs.eof and rs.bof then
- response.write "錯誤的參數,請從正確訪問!"
- response.end()
- end if
- '第一種情況是第一次點擊,cookies為空,ip為空
- '第二種情況是點第二個人投票,第一個人的cookies存在,第二個的的cookies不存在,但是ip存在
- '第三種情況是換ip投票,cookies存在,ip為空
- if Request.cookies("dwww")(""&Voteusername&"")="" then
- Response.cookies("dwww")(""&Voteusername&"")=Voteusername&"|"
- Response.cookies("dwww").Expires=Date()+365
- Call VoteBody()
- else
- if instr(request.cookies("dwww")(""&Voteusername&""),request.cookies("dwww")(""&Voteusername&"")&"|")<>0 then
- Call VoteBody()
- else
- 'response.write "對不起,您已經投過票了!Cookies重復"
- Response.Write "<script>alert('對不起,您已經投過票了!');history.back();</script>"
- response.end()
- end if
- end if
- Sub VoteBody()
- Voteusername=trim(request.QueryString("username"))
- CheckIp = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") '繞過代理IP
- If CheckIp = "" Then CheckIp=Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
- GetUrl=""
- GetUrl=Request.ServerVariables("Http_Referer")
- sql="Select username,ip from vote where username= '"&Voteusername&"' and ip='"&CheckIp&"'"
- rs_create(Sql)
- If Not rs.Bof And Not rs.eof Then
- 'response.write "對不起,您已經投過票了!IP重復"
- Response.Write "<script>alert('對不起,您已經投過票了!');history.back();</script>"
- response.end()
- Else
- conn.execute ("insert into vote (username,ip,addtime) values ('"&Voteusername&"','"&CheckIp&"','"&now()&"')")
- conn.execute ("update [user] set vote=vote+1 where username ='"&Voteusername&"'")
- 'response.write "投票成功!"
- Response.Write "<script>alert('恭喜您,投票成功!');location.href='"&Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")&"'</script>"
- response.end()
- End If
- end Sub
- rs_close()
- db_close()
- %>
分享:ASP制作登陸頁面驗證程序用戶登錄驗證腳本,Chkpwd.asp % '=======用戶登錄驗證腳本======= '如果尚未定義Passed對象,則將其定義為false,表示沒有通過驗證 If IsEmpty(Session(Passed)) Then Session(Passed)=false End If 'Session(Passed)=False,表示尚未通過驗證,則開始讀取
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