推薦:如何提高asp程序訪問速度用asp程序進行網頁設計,大多因為需要訪問數據庫,然后再將數據顯示到頁面,如果數據很多的話,頁面的訪問速度也就變慢了,為了解決這個問題,可以用以下技巧來提高頁面訪問速度。 技巧之一:提高使用Request集合的效率 訪問一個ASP集合來提取一個值是費時的
格式化日期時間(顯示) ’ 參數:n_Flag ’ 1:"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" ’ 2:"yyyy-mm-dd" ’ 3:"hh:mm:ss" ’ 4:"yyyy年mm月dd日" ’ 5:"yyyymmdd" ’ 6:"yyyymmddhhmmss" ’ 7:"yy-mm-dd" ’ 8:"yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" ’ 9:"yyyy年mm月" ’ 10:"mm/dd/yyyy" ’ ============================================ Function Format_Time(s_Time, n_Flag) Dim y, m, d, h, mi, s Format_Time = "" If IsDate(s_Time) = False Then Exit Function y = cstr(year(s_Time)) if y = "1900" then Exit Function m = right("0"&month(s_Time),2) d = right("0"&day(s_Time),2) h = right("0"&hour(s_Time),2) mi = right("0"&minute(s_Time),2) s = right("0"&second(s_Time),2) Select Case n_Flag Case 1 Format_Time = y & "-" & m & "-" & d & " " & h & ":" & mi & ":" & s Case 2 Format_Time = y & "-" & m & "-" & d Case 3 Format_Time = h & ":" & mi & ":" & s Case 4 Format_Time = y & "年" & m & "月" & d & "日" Case 5 Format_Time = y & m & d case 6 Format_Time= y & m & d & h & mi & s case 7 Format_Time= right(y,2) & "-" & m & "-" & d case 8 Format_Time= right(y,2) & "-" & m & "-" & d & " " & h & ":" & mi & ":" & s Case 9 Format_Time = y & "年" & m & "月" Case 10 Format_Time = m & "/" & d & "/" & y & "/" End Select End Function 小寫數字轉大寫 function int2chn(n) dim i,j,k,strlen,retval,x,y,z,str z=array("零","壹","貳","叁","肆","伍","陸","柒","捌","玖") y=array("","拾","佰","仟") x=Array("","萬","億","萬萬億") strlen=len(n) str1=n for i= 1 to strlen j=mid(str1,i,1) retval=retval&z(j) if j>0 then retval=retval&y((strlen-i) mod 4)’如果大于零,加入十進位字符 retval=replace(retval,z(0)&z(0),z(0))’出現兩個零只留一個 if ((strlen-i) mod 4)=0 and right(retval,1)=z(0) then retval=left(retval,len(retval)-1)’每四位加入進階 if ((strlen-i) mod 4)=0 then retval=retval&x(int((strlen-i)/4))’把最后的零去掉 next int2chn=retval end function 小寫金額轉大寫 Function UMoney(money) Dim lnP,Prc,Tmp,NoB,Dx,Xx,Zhen Dim China : China = "分角元拾佰仟萬拾佰仟億" Dim str: str = Array("零", "壹", "貳", "叁", "肆", "伍", "陸", "柒", "捌", "玖") Zhen = True money = FormatNumber(money, 2) Prc = CStr(money) Prc = Replace(Prc, ",", "") lnP = Len(Prc) For i = lnP - 1 To 1 Step -1 If Mid(Prc, i, 1) = "." Then Select Case lnP - i Case 1 Prc = Replace(Prc, ".", "") + "0" Case 2 Prc = Replace(Prc, ".", "") End Select Zhen = False Exit For End If Next If Zhen Then Prc = Prc + "00" lnP = Len(Prc) For i = 1 To lnP Tmp = str(Mid(Prc, i, 1)) & Tmp Next UMoney = "" fy = 1 For i = 1 To lnP Xx = Mid(Tmp, i, 1) Dx = Mid(China, i, 1) If Xx <> "零" Then UMoney = Xx & Dx & UMoney f = 1 Else If i = 3 Then UMoney = Dx & UMoney End If If i = 7 Then UMoney = Dx & UMoney End If If f Then UMoney = "零" & UMoney End If f = 0 End If Next If Zhen Then UMoney = UMoney + "整" UMoney = Replace(UMoney, "零萬", "萬") UMoney = Replace(UMoney, "零元", "元") End Function 隨機選取5組彩票 Function rndtest(m_count,r_count) ’’參數m_count號碼總數,r_count為要取出的號碼數 dim x,st,i i=1 st="" do while i<=r_count randomize x=int(rnd*m_count)+1 ’’產生1~m_count的隨機數 if i=r_count then if not instr(st,x)>0 then st=st&x i=i+1 end if else if not instr(st,x)>0 then st=st&x&"," ’’用,分割 i=i+1 end if end if if i>=m_count then exit do ’’如果m_count小于r_count將出現死循環,于是判斷并跳出循環 end if loop rndtest=st end function 冒泡函數 function sort(ary)ck=true do Until ck = false ck=false For f = 0 to UBound(ary) -1 if clng(ary(f))>clng(ary(f+1)) then v1=clng(ary(f)) v2=clng(ary(f+1)) ary(f)=v2 ary(f+1)=v1 ck=true end if next loop sort=ary end function for i=0 to 4 Mycount=rndtest(33,7) MyArray=split(Mycount,",") newArray=sort(MyArray) for i2=0 to UBound(newArray) Response.Write(newArray(i2)&" ") next Response.Write("<br>") next |
分享:詳解ASP的Session對象一、屬性 1、SessionID SessionID屬性返回用戶的會話標識。在創建會話時,服務器會為每一個會話生成一個單獨的標識。會話標識以長整形數據類型返回。在很多情況下SessionID可以用于WEB頁面注冊統計。 2、TimeOut Timeout屬性以分鐘為單位為該應用程序的Sessi
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