Flash AS打造超強粒子視覺沖擊特效_Flash教程
超強的粒子特效,效果非常好,和大家分享:#initclip 1
function PoolClass()
this.stick = {x: 300, y: 169};
this.onEnterFrame = this.dragStick;
} // End of the function
PoolClass.prototype = new MovieClip();
PoolClass.prototype.dragStick = function ()
if (this.stick.x < 0)
this.stick.vx = this.stick.vx 4 * Math.random();
else if (this.stick.x > 600)
this.stick.vx = this.stick.vx - 4 * Math.random();
this.stick.vx = this.stick.vx (Math.random() - Math.random()) * 4;
} // end else if
if (this.stick.y < 0)
this.stick.vy = this.stick.vy 4 * Math.random();
else if (this.stick.y > 337)
this.stick.vy = this.stick.vy - 4 * Math.random();
this.stick.vy = this.stick.vy (Math.random() - Math.random()) * 4;
} // end else if
this.stick.x = this.stick.x this.stick.vx;
this.stick.y = this.stick.y this.stick.vy;
this.stick.vx = this.stick.vx * 8.000000E-001;
this.stick.vy = this.stick.vy * 8.000000E-001;
this.createNode(random(600), random(337), this.stick.x, this.stick.y, 7 random(13));
PoolClass.prototype.createRandomNode = function ()
var x = random(600);
var y = random(337);
var dx = this._xmouse;
var dy = this._ymouse;
var ds = 10 random(20);
this.createNode(x, y, dx, dy, ds);
PoolClass.prototype.createNode = function (x, y, dx, dy, ds)
var nombre = "nd" String(this.depth );
var neo = this.attachMovie("node", nombre, this.depth);
neo._x = x;
neo._y = y;
neo.dx = dx;
neo.dy = dy;
neo.body._xscale = ds;
neo.body._yscale = ds;
Object.registerClass("pool", PoolClass);
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Flash教程-Flash AS打造超強粒子視覺沖擊特效